In May the Core Team met to plan the 2019 Conference and take care of other ABRC business.  We want to reach out to Monasteries/Retreat Centers to invite you to be members of ABRC. There is information on joining our organization on the home page of this website, and preliminary information about the 2019 Conference on the Biennial Conference page.

We are working to improve our website and our media presence.  First of all, you’ll be getting quarterly newsletters from ABRC, with a retreat center featured, and other ABRC news  The ABRC website comes up, along with, when anyone googles Benedictine retreats.  We want to expand our member listing with a photo and additional information (such as your social media links)  to help those who are searching for a monastic retreat.  This blog, entitled “Reflections” is a place for conversation about our retreat centers and about benedictine spirituality.

We are dedicated to Benedictine spirituality and promoting our retreat centers.

Sisters Bobbi, Mary Jo, Betty, and Carol
Association of Benedictine Retreat Centers, Core Team

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