Association of Benedictine Retreat Centers
Organizational Structure and Guidelines
Revised, August 2017
Article I: Purpose
The Association of Benedictine Retreat Centers fosters the Benedictine charism in the ministry of retreat work and sponsors a biennial conference. This association is organized for the purpose of furthering the mission of Benedictine retreat centers. This organization provides resource networking, support, ongoing formation, education and other appropriate means to support this ministry.
Article II: Membership
Section 1. Membership Qualifications
A monastic retreat center shall become a member of the association by paying the yearly membership dues.
Section 2. Classes and Voting
There shall be one class of membership in this association. Each member member center in attendance at the biennial conference shall be entitled to one vote on all matters presented at the business meeting.
Section 3. Meetings
Meetings shall be conducted in the following manner:
- A biennial conference
- A business meeting during the biennial conference to consider the following agenda items:
- Approval of Leadership Team members
- Financial report
- Changes in policy
- Site for the next biennial conference
- Other business
- A meeting of the Leadership Team is convened during the year following the conference to plan the next biennial conference.
Section 4. Leadership Team.
The Leadership Team shall be composed of three to four members approved by the membership who will serve four-year terms for not more than eight consecutive years.
- The Leadership Team will appoint two of its members as Co-Directors who will serve staggered four-year terms for not more than eight consecutive years.
- The Leadership Team will appoint one of its members as Treasurer.
- The Leadership Team may recruit a staff member of the host center for the next biennial conference who will serve for two years.
The process for selection and qualifications of Leadership Team members is as follows:
- Member centers shall have an opportunity to suggest names prior to the biennial conference and until the end of its first full day.
- Qualifications include being on staff at an ABRC member center and willingness to serve according to norms of the organization.
- The Leadership Team will prepare a list of names of those who have consented to serve if approved.
- A majority vote of members attending the biennial conference shall be required for approval.